.BRAND SWOT Analysis
The first step prior to creating a personalized ".brand" domain name extension is to learn...if it is worth it or not. To do so, the SWOT analysis allows you to study which are the positive and negative points prior to creating your own .TRADEMARK (domain names ending in your ".trademark", instead of ".com").
A SWOT analysis is also a good starting point if you plan to create a Generic, Community or a Geographic Top-Level Domain.
Order your new gTLD study
Order your personalized study today and receive answers to common questions:
What are the advantages to acquire your own .BRAND (or generic) domain name extension; an analysis focusing on:
The Strengths to apply for a specific domain name extension;
The Weaknesses;
The Opportunities;
The Threats.
What will it cost to apply in the next Round of the iCANN new gTLD?
New gTLD statistics: what are similar numbers today compared to my project?
Competition: what if..."I don't do it"?
Going beyond a simple .BRAND new gTLD: what about becoming a Registry dedicated to selling domain names to the network of accredited Registrars?
Not just a copy-paste
This study is a concrete case figure using your Trademark, or your idea of a generic extension dedicated to selling domain names. We deliver a lot of imagination and creativity in terms of what you could do with your own domain name extension. Our ambition is to give you a realistic view of what your project could be.
What you will receive
You will receive a PDF file from 4, up to 6 pages, with your personal study.
Note to communication agencies: we receive requests from agencies asking such studies to be delivered to their clients in their name. In this case, we do deliver our studies on a Word file to be re-printed or reused.
What you should know before you buy:
The next Round of the ICANN new gTLD program to start in April or May 2026 will be different from the first one. This study answers most common questions but there are still unknowns from the ICANN. Questions answered are:
"If I create my .BRAND : what can I do with it?"
What are the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats to create my domain name extension (SWOT analysis to apply for your new gTLD);
Becoming a Registry to sell domain names: in which case is it worth it?
Submitting an application to the ICANN often requires to contract with multiple service providers: "whoich are the good ones to work with and what can they do for me?"
It takes us a week to work on your study and maybe a little more to correct the English version.
Note that very few existing .BRAND applicants know what to do with their extension so expect to be surprised by our imagination.
Free consulting for 1 month
The next round of the ICANN new gTLD program is approaching fast. One month of free consulting is offered to help you prepare your project and answer your questions.
Price of a personalized new gTLD SWOT analysis is 2.850,00 €. We receive payments via Wire transfer, PayPal, Stripe (Debit or Credit Card).